Enjoy browsing my photography collection from my 2015 Everyday Beauty project.
I still practice gratitude photography everyday, but don’t always post my photos here.
Check out my photography page for some of my recent favourites.
A journal of the moments of beauty that inspire me, and the beautiful things that I am thankful for.
A series of photographs that capture those moments.
A practice of deep gratitude.

February 2015 {Everyday Beauty}
February: signs of spring, cozy days, sunshine and loveliness

January 2015 {Everyday Beauty}
January: winter warmth, candlelight, birdwatching, fresh air, everything homemade, peaceful days

The Magic of December {Everyday Beauty}
a blooming Christmas cactus a singular snowfall homemade chai tea sinking into a novel haircuts and morning sweetness a face that is always pleased to see me my spunky angel handmade crowns a favourite wreath the sweetness of Santa Claus found drawings (what...

Slumbering November {Everyday Beauty}
November. An in-between month. Indoor activities, preparing for Advent, and just a little bit of snow. the gift of flowers A little girl in a fancy hat first snow and a favourite wreath snow portraits palling with Papa a little boy's art genuine smiles a young...

October – Harvest Season {Everyday Beauty}
October. Harvest, homemade soup, and colour. Such colour. fresh air for sleeping babies apples cousins windfall golden yellow squash soup the last of the sunflowers sunny faces sunshine on fallen leaves dogwood fruit dancing light & leaves learning...

September {Everyday Beauty}
September. The changing of the seasons, new beginnings, fresh air and sunshine. heart-shaped leaves writing practice digging for treasures our first potato yield watercolour painting in the sunshine baby's first birthday found sculptures of aquaducts beach birthday...