I have begun easing my way into 2015. After a challenging 2014, I feel a bit gun-shy. A little hesitant to jump into any new goals, any promises I can’t keep. While not exactly a stellar way to start of the new year with a bang, I actually feel very pleased with the slow and steady approach. This year, instead of sitting down and writing out my goals for the year immediately, I decided to take this first week of January to let things simmer, and see what rose to the surface. I like this tactic. In fact, I’m going to continue along in the same vein for awhile, if it’s all the same to you.
One week in, and so far, two significant things have arisen. Both habits. Both requiring significant change.
You see, this year, I am a little sick of myself. Not in a loathing sort of way. Just as in, enough already.
There are two aspects of my behaviour which I have long accepted as part of my character.
First, my tardiness. I’m a chronic late-comer. Not significantly late. I’m the 1 or two-minuter. The ten-minuter. Though, admittedly since having kids, sometimes even the 45 minuter. I tell myself it just is. It’s no big deal. That’s just the way I am. Except, even I’m starting to get sick of myself. There is no good reason for my lack of preparation. My ability to squeak in at the last minute, throw open the car doors and rush in under the wire, is not such a miraculous skill. It may not even be a skill. Ahem. So, this year, I feel like trying on a new hat. It’s called, early. And, I know I am rubbish at it. But, if my son can learn to read, and my daughter to ride a bike, perhaps, I, too, can learn a new skill. Catching the worm.
Second, my wonderful ability to start things. I am glorious at starting. I love jumping in with two feet! It turns out, I am an ideas person. I love trying new things. Coming up with new concepts. New ways of doing things. Reading about people doing new things, and then trying them, too! I’m a starter. Which also makes me a chronic over-committer. And sometimes a grass-is-greener sheep. If I could just eat that fruit, surely my life would be complete. Living this way is invigorating, and fun. It’s exciting. But, it’s also lacking in a fair bit of focus. It means my house is always mid-project. My mind is always bouncing like a ping-pong ball. My heart is often torn in many directions. And I end up trying on and assimilating many different hats (see the afore-mentioned habit). If my slow & steady approach is saying anything, it’s screaming it. Finish something already! Not only finish, but devote some time to what you’ve started. Complete. Complete. Complete.
A few years ago, during staff training at my then workplace, we talked about starters and finishers. It turns out that most of us are starters. And there are very few finishers. But, these finishers are seriously valuable people to have on your team. They see your projects through. They stay the course. They get ‘er done. I was always proud of myself for being a starter. As, I said, I am an ideas person. I loved that about myself. I still do. But, this year, I think it’s time to do some finishing. Tie up some loose ends. Complete a few projects.
In short, I’m going to be an early finisher this year (and if I finish a few projects early, well, so much the better!).
So, look for me on time, and complete. If I’m late, feel free to call me on it. If you have a glorious new idea (!), don’t be too disappointed when I respectfully bow out. But, if you’re waiting on me for something – now is the time to call me on it!
Hello 2015 (what have I done?!). You scare me (and I’m pretty sure that’s a good thing).
I like what you are doing here.
Your writing style is interesting – I feel like I know you a little, and would enjoy knowing you better.
Keep on with what you are doing. I especially like what you wrote about 2015.. Most of us can identify with what you said.
Looking forward to more.