It’s funny. Before I had kids, I hated being in the kitchen. I hated cooking, although I suppose I didn’t mind baking every now and again. Since having kids, however, I have started to take pride in my kitchen, and the things I prepare for my family. Part of this is an effort to provide healthy foods for my children. Things that will help them thrive. But, another part is the fact that it is fun to cook with kids. At least, with Dylan. He loves to help me make muffins. It is one of the few activities I can always count on getting a hearty “yes!” Since Dylan has been born, I have slowly been getting more domestic in the kitchen. I have made pies, waffles, yogurt and bread for the first time. And, I’ve made an awful lot of fruit and vegetable purees.
This week, we happened upon a great thing: a stainless steel popsicle maker.
For a long time, I’ve been wanting to try popsicles, but I cringed at the thought of making food in plastic. I’ve been trying more and more to separate our food from plastic, and for some reason, plastic popsicle makers were a real sticking point for me. So, when I found this item, I knew it was a must have!
This week, we made orange, carrot popsicles. We got the recipe from Jessica Seinfeld’s newest cookbook, Double Delicious. It’s as simple as they come. Orange juice and carrot puree. Voila.
Dylan and I had a great time together. He helped measure the water for the orange juice, mix and stir, blend the carrots, and put the sticks in the popsicles.
Oh, yeah, and eat the popsicles!
He learned about freezing (liquids & solids), measuring, counting and brushed up on his fine motor skills. He also got to use a myriad of senses, from taste, to touch, to hearing.
But, mostly (and by far the most important), we shared a lovely afternoon – and a popsicle.
What about you? What’s your favourite thing to make with the kids? Favourite new kitchen gadgets?