Found this photo from Wikipedia. Seems fitting. Doubt there will be any perfect swan dives for me either.
It is official. I have resigned. I am entering the official realm of the “professional Mom.” I hardly know what this means, but I am both excited and terrified by it.
I have known for awhile that I wanted to be a “Home Mama.” I wrestled with it after the birth of my first child, but, after my second, knew it was the right choice for me. I so want to be there for the little moments with my children (I know it’s silly, but I don’t think I’ll ever be able to forgive myself for missing my son’s first steps while I was at work). I am just so darn excited to learn, live and grow with them.
I am a professional librarian. I love my work. It is meaningful, engaging and inspiring, at the best of times. It is something that I am passionate about. And I don’t intend to let my skills and interests go idle. I am still going to find ways to gather, organize and disseminate information (all you librarians out there understand that – anyone else, trust me, the applications are endless). And, I am still going to read (a lot). Mostly, I am going to keep learning. Because that is what being a public librarian is all about, in my humble opinion: promoting, encouraging, and living lifelong learning.
So, in my new role as professional mom, I intend to continue this. I will just do it alongside my kids. I don’t know what this means, yet, exactly (homeschooler? Mompreneur? Crazy cat lady?). But, I do know that I won’t regret the time spent with my kids. Even on those days that are less than perfect (because, let’s be honest, those days outnumber the others). And even though simply going to work would be a whole lot easier (in many ways).
Do I know where my income will come from? Not precisely (although I have some ideas). Does this scare me? Absolutely. But, one thing I know, I am ready to embrace this new challenge. So, here I go, leaping in with two feet. Running, diving, and, yes, holding my breath.
Welcome aboard!
You’re right, you won’t regret the time you spend with the kids. 🙂
I second that! Time well spent!
It is worth whatever sacrifices you have to make to make it work – you will not regret it!
Enjoyed your blog and your writing about accepting new community and place. Have you considered as a natural extension of your interests in books (as a former librarian) and as blogger, to independently publish a book? Possibilities are endless – for independent publishing.
Just do everything that you can to ensure they see you watching them. Congrats on the courage to change what is. Been there.