5 Great Reasons to Keep a Reading Journal
A few years ago, I started a journal of the books I read. If you have ever read a book (and I sincerely hope you have!), then I suggest keeping a reading journal, too.
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5 Ways to Think and Grow Green
Green living is all about being intentional. I love sharing the combination of actions and attitudes that keep me buoyant and inspired on a daily basis.
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Write Your Smiles To Increase Your Happiness
Write your smiles. Don’t wait for something wonderful to strike you. Set out to create the happiness in your day, by writing it into being.
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How to Use Photography to Cultivate Mindfulness
One of my daily rituals is gratitude photography. The practice has grown from a fledgling effort to record our days, to a mindful practice that has changed my life.
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What is Green Living, Anyway?
Green living is acting in a way that expresses our deep love for the earth and its inhabitants. If we act out of love, we have a much better chance of living in a way that respects, honours and protects our home and its inhabitants.
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Connecting With Our Place
I believe there is something deep inside us that desperately wants to connect with place. The natural world speaks to us and pulls us to be in communion with it. We are, after all, an integrated part of this world.
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