by Kelly | Jun 12, 2015 | Everyday Beauty |

clean counterspace

a rare dress-up day

a not-so-rare drawing session

little moments of concentration

this boy, his crown, and his bunny

cuddly bunnies

cuddly babies

tiny friends

found art

glorious, wonderful, muck-mucky mud

plastic-free meat shopping & cooking (in one container!)

the proud inventor

big skies, and farm days

windy winter beach days

mashed potato bar nights

first homemade bone broth

a full jar of cookies

my balancing baby

first signs of spring

jade-green succulents

splashes of purple

red & blue tones

cuddly bears

tiny garden helpers

the boldness of geese

quiet riverfront moments

ferry adventures

keen-faced selfies

jars waiting to be filled

ginger lemon honey tea

a party for a little boy who insists on growing older every year
by Kelly | Jun 12, 2015 | Everyday Beauty |

finishing a project long started

a bird caught in flight

wily visitors

watching the birds


varied thrush


learning how to build paper boats

kitchen table scenes

three boats

winter collages

my winter wellness recipe

peaceful mornings

window gazers

winter rainbows

candles jars patiently waiting

the smell of melting beeswax

perfect light from homemade candles

nature treasures in perfect focus

sparkling eyes

a discovered path of winter trees

muddy trails

sleeping buds

and sleeping babes

messy faces

freshly baked muffins

homemade pizza

a tidy tea cabinet

therapeutic collaging

the sweetness of that favourite cookie
by Kelly | Apr 7, 2015 | Everyday Beauty |

a blooming Christmas cactus

a singular snowfall

homemade chai tea

sinking into a novel

haircuts and morning sweetness

a face that is always pleased to see me

my spunky angel

handmade crowns

a favourite wreath

the sweetness of Santa Claus

found drawings (what celebration!)

thoughtful looks

first horseback rides

fresh air and Kelly green

moments like these

my self-assured little boy

the other half of my heart

baking gingerbread houses

annual solstice bonfires

the warmth of a crackling fire

the quietness of Christmas

twinkling lights after bedtime

taking care of sister

taking care of baby


the ones you know you’ll re-read

a winter moon

the Christmas Day bloom of an amaryllis

the joy of gift-giving

awaiting his two front teeth

morning light through the window

new year’s treats

a place for thoughts.
by Kelly | Mar 1, 2015 | Everyday Beauty |
November. An in-between month. Indoor activities, preparing for Advent, and just a little bit of snow.

the gift of flowers

A little girl in a fancy hat

first snow and a favourite wreath

snow portraits

palling with Papa

a little boy’s art

genuine smiles

a young entrepreneur with a heart for the ocean

an artfully crafted display

another genuine smile

a lost tooth

or two

trouble brewing

the love of my tiny girl

remembrance art

the first Sunday of Advent

a waiting basket

an Advent tradition

the welcome promise of a new season

by Kelly | Feb 28, 2015 | Everyday Beauty |
October. Harvest, homemade soup, and colour. Such colour.

fresh air for sleeping babies




golden yellow

squash soup

the last of the sunflowers

sunny faces

sunshine on fallen leaves

dogwood fruit

dancing light & leaves

learning to crawl

keeping the cat company

dreaming about the world

sunlight on paper stars

sunshine yellow smiles

baby toes

nature treasures

wooly bears – serious business

broccoli flowers

crimson colours

tiny flowers

patterns in fallen leaves

found faces on jewels 🙂

and, of course, pumpkins.

by Kelly | Feb 27, 2015 | Everyday Beauty |
September. The changing of the seasons, new beginnings, fresh air and sunshine.

heart-shaped leaves

writing practice

digging for treasures

our first potato yield

watercolour painting in the sunshine

baby’s first birthday

found sculptures of aquaducts

beach birthday portrait

giant leaves and rabbit wool

a little girl’s nature treasure collection

spider webs in the rain

fall flowers

our little explorer

inspiring reading

Sea’s first day of nature school


having the beach to ourselves

perfect afternoons

sharing a birthday with Grandma

creekside wanderings

nature journaling

first day of school

autumn tableaux

the gardeners


snake charming

meeting a rosy boa

bright & beautiful colours