Our goal should be to live life in radical amazement, to look at the world in a way that takes nothing for granted. Everything is phenomenal; everything is incredible; to be spiritual is to be constantly amazed. – Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel
Completely inspired by this quote today. This is the way my three-year-old looks at life. Constantly amazed by every little thing, from looking for birds at the park, to watching semi-trucks zoom past on the highway. In our best moments, both of us are proud and amazed at his little sister: when she crawls on her hands and knees, or claps her hands, or does “the spoon trick.”
“Look at you, little girl!” we both proclaim (this is particularly cute coming from the mouth of a 3-year-old).
My daughter will be one next week. And I have made the huge decision to stay home with my kids, at least for now. In part, because I don’t want to take anything for granted. Every moment is precious. And, I want to share those precious moments with them. Now. Because (ain’t it true), they grow up so fast.
Life is fleeting. We only get one. So, as I continue to try and make the most of this one, I am going to remember to be constantly amazed. Anything less is not doing justice to the incredible gift of life we have been given.
Where do you find constant amazement? In your family? In the woods? In your relationships?
(For another reflection on this quote, check out this post at Rebecca in the Woods)
Hey Kelly,
You hit the nail on the head. Not too many people feel this way anymore about staying home, actually “being” with the kids. PS. I love your blogs!
Thanks Rachel. It’s a tough decision, but it just feels right for me. You’re right, though. Being at home means actually being with them. So you do have to love it.
Yay that you’re staying home. It’s such a gift for you and the kids. I find amazement in what our toddler sees – just walking around the block can take forever, because he checks out every nook and cranny, every critter and every bit of old gum. The older kids amaze me too, often with their wisdom. Great quote too BTW. So true.
I love that toddler discovery stage. Part of my commitment to being constantly amazed is to remember to be patient and embrace those slow walks. It’s such a good thing to keep in mind when I find myself getting impatient. Thanks for all your comments. I love reading your posts, too.
Thanks for the link! The book in which I came across it, Last Child in the Woods, is definitely worth a read.
Same book I found it in! Although, more recently, in Louv’s new book, The Nature Principle. If you like Last Child in the Woods, you should definitely read it, too. Glad I found your blog. =)
You are so very right. Life is but a moment and we only get one. There is so much to grab onto and relish in this life yet we spend most of it rushing to the next thing on our “lists”. We end up missing out on so very much.
I constantly have to remind myself of this, as I do love lists. But being in the moment is so critical, isn’t it?
This is lovely. Thanks for the inspiration!
What a great quote! And what a great way to live one’s life! Worth aspiring to. Thanks, Kelly. By the way, I stayed at home with my three kids until the youngest was in first grade, and then I only worked while they were at school. One of the best decisions I ever made.
Thanks for your comment. I think I’ll have to post this quote somewhere in my house to remind myself. Of course, with kids, constant amazement isn’t hard to muster. Their example, and our love for them make it easier. Glad to here of another successful ‘professional mom.” I’m on day two of being at home, and feeling very at peace about it.