What is Green Living, Anyway?

Kelly Woods, writer
9 June 2017
I was reading a green living forum the other day, and I came across this simple question: “What is green living?” It struck me as a good place to start.

Often, when we speak from our areas of expertise, we are so versed in their language, that we forget what it might be like to be an outsider.
Think of your workplace. How many times have you caught yourself using an acronym in conversation with an outsider, only to later realize that, of course, they had no idea what you were talking about. Ever heard of “Christianese?” Or “jargon” Or “tech speak?”
When pontificating on green living, it might be a good idea to take a step back and attempt to define it. Or, at least define it in our own terms.
So, what, exactly, is green living?
Without being too esoteric, I do think green living means something slightly different to each of us. We all have different priorities when it comes to green living. Some us care deeply about our oceans, and are passionate about reducing plastic pollution. Others want to see healthy food enter our bodies, and try to eat pesticide-free. Others want to set an example by living car-free. Others want to live self-sufficiently, and grow our own food. Others are passionate about advocacy, and changing the larger systems that govern us.
All of these examples have one thing in common. They are behaviours; behaviours that stem from the central place of love.
“Green living, is, at its core, an act of love.”
It is an act of love for our planet. Our home.
It is an act of love for the creatures, animals, plants and humans around us.
It is an act of love for our families, and for future generations.
Sure, for some of us, it might be motivated by fact. It might even be motivated by self-preservation (which is really just an act of love for ourselves, isn’t it?).
But, in order for green living to be sustainable, it needs to come from a deeper place. It needs to hit home in the heart.
In short, green living is acting in a way that expresses our deep love for the earth and its inhabitants.
When you love something, you work to prevent harm to it. When you see it hurting, you actively seek to help it. When you love something, and you are aware of what you could do to alleviate its pain, you don’t hesitate. You act. You act because you can’t not. Because, if you can do anything – anything at all – you will.
Even if you aren’t guaranteed results. Even if, sometimes, you know it’s a dying cause.
I could go on about all of the things green living involves: recycling, advocacy, zero-waste living, tiny houses, cloth diapers and growing and eating organic foods. Many of these things I practice myself. Many of them are evidence of a person who is “living green.”
But, they aren’t really the point.
The point is, that if we act, not out of obligation or even emergency (both good enough reasons to make some serious changes), but out of love, we have a much better chance of living in a way that respects, honours and protects our home and its inhabitants.
Green living is about living in accordance with this love. A love that blossoms – maybe with ourselves, maybe with our family, maybe with our relationship with nature – and propels us to action.
So, as much as I write about green living (the how-to’s, and the what-to’s, and the what-ifs), I will always be coming at it from a place of “why.”
And, for me, that “why” will always be love.
How about you? Do you think we have a better chance of making lasting change, if we come at it from a place of love? What motivates you to care about our planet? Please share in the comments.
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Indeed Love is the answer to “Why?” for us too! Love for for the beauty in nature that fills us up with life! Love for our families and humanity and all creatures that we share our universe with.
Thanks, T. 🙂 This is one of the reasons I am so adamant about spending time in nature with my kids: to have them grow up loving the earth.
Great article! Was a good reminder to think about why we make “green” choices… instead of just feeling obligated to do so. Would love to here your thoughts on how you get your kiddos to think “green”
Thanks Helen! Awesome. I’ll share some ideas on greening kids in a future article. Modelling and keeping it in the conversation has always worked well for me. But plastic toys are a real sticking point. 🙂
Great read, Kelly! I like how this concept is useful for those who wouldn’t choose green living for sustainability reasons, or simply don’t place as much value on ecological altruism.
Thanks, Kyle. Yes, I think we all have different “loves,” which could apply. For me, thinking about green living as an act of love makes the concept more real, and applicable to everyone’s lives. (Sometimes even allowing us to be a little selfish for the common good!).
great insight kelly, i struggle with being ‘green’. mostly do things out of guilt, or “I should do_____” ….I don’t love gardening which is why things don’t grow for me! but i do love supporting local farmers. 🙂
I know! There are so many messages that try to make us feel guilted into green living. It is a really bad motivator – especially in the longterm. I think supporting local farmers and CSAs is an awesome answer. It makes so much sense to support the expertise and efforts of someone who does love gardening (and there are so many great farmer’s in the Valley!).
Exactly. Well put!
Thanks, Raynna! 🙂
I love the way you describe green living. It’s different for everyone and one reason I tend not consider myself living green is because I’m not at zero waste or plastic free or self-sustaining. I think all of those things are wonderful, but I’m at the making small changes stage (ex. switching to glass). I guess that’s a bit green?
Another thing touched on in the comments is how brands or others use guilt to push through the message of green living and I tend to shy away from anything that is presented to me as you should do this or you don’t care, etc. That’s just my contrary nature I suppose!
Thanks for sharing and changing my perception of green living.
Thanks! Small changes are so important. They really empower us, and done in a manageable can be really fun, too. Have fun with them (glass is an great switch; it’s green and also happens to add beauty to your life (jars are so lovely!), which I love!).
Beautiful article Kelly. I appreciate the love perspective and am looking forward to letting that percolate.
Thanks so much Robyn!